Portland Area Pricing Information



Condos under 600 SF NO CRAWL/ NO ATTIC                             $325

Condos under 600 SF with ATTIC OR CRAWL                             $345

Condos over 601 SF to 1000 SF NO CRAWL/NO ATTIC                $345

Condos over 600 SF to 1000 SF With Attic or crawl                    $365

Condos over 1001 SF to 1500 SF Without Attic or crawl              $395

Condos 1001 to 1500 SF with Attic or Crawlspace                      $425

Condos over 1500 SF to 2000 SF with or W/O crawl or attic        $445

Condos over 2000 SF  With or without attic or crawl                   $475

Quote higher price if it is unknown if there is a crawlspace or attic.



Walk and Talk                                                                         $295

Houses Up to 900 SF                                                               $435

Houses 901 SF to 1500 SF                                                       $465

Houses 1501 SF to 2000 SF                                                     $495

Houses 2001 SF to 3000 SF                                                     $535

Houses 3001 SF to 3800 SF                                                     $575

Houses 3801 SF to 4300 SF                                                     $595

Houses 4301 SF to 5000 SF                                                     $765

Houses 5001 SF to 6000 SF                                                     $835

Houses 6001 SF to 6500 SF                                                     $885

Houses over 6501 SF @ .20 cents per sq. ft.

Anything above 5000 is to be quoted



IN PARK                $395.00      

(Homes on private land will be billed by square footage as above)



(For Duplexes, Triplexes)

Additional Unit Fees (Under one roof)                                           $145

Additional Buildings on Properties (Shops/garages/Etc)                  $295 & up

Larger complexes will be quoted based on overall square footage and number of units.



Limited / Partial Inspections                                                       By quote Only

New Construction Phase Inspections- Limited Per Phase                $265 per visit 

Pest & Dry Rot Only                                                                   $225

Re-Inspections                                                                          $225 & UP

Radon Test without inspection service                                          $195

Radon Test with inspection service                                               $165

Radon Kit- Long Term                                                                 $35

Roof Certifications                                                                      $245

Siding Inspections (Non- EIFS)                                                    $245

Oil Tank Location (Cody Keyser Alpha Locates)                              $135

Sewer Scopes                                                                            $140

Sewer Scopes with Pulling toilets ( $95 Additional)                        $235

Sewer Scopes without home inspection                                        $175

Well Flow Test (4-hr) W/ Inspection & Sample                              $325

Well Flow Test (4-Hr) W/O Inspection (W-Sample)                        $395

Water Sample (Nitrates, Coliform & Arsenic)                                $225

Asbestos Testing                                                                        $165

Additional asbestos samples each- same location                          $65

Lead Based Paint Testing 1st Sample                                           $165

Lead Based Paint Testing W/O Home Inspection                            $195

Lead Based Paint Testing Additional Samples (Each)                      $75

Mold Testing (1 Ext & 1 Int Sample) Min. Per. 1000 SF Protocol      $295

Mold Testing Additional Sample (Each)                                         $95

Odor Removal Sanitization (No people, pets or plants) (Min)                              $395 & Up


Prices Effective 7-6-2023 and subject to change.